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Little Barton has been a family home to us for over 30 years and used to run as a small-holding. No artificial fertilisers/pesticides have been used on the land during that time. We have a small vegetable garden and have planted a small area of traditional woodland and fruit trees. We also have a field that is managed as a wild flower meadow to help the bees, butterflies and other insects.

Over the years we have been slowly renovating Little Barton, repointing the stone buildings with lime mortar, replacing roofs and making spaces useable. Care is taken to try to maintain the 'spirit' of the original buildings.

Little Barton’s water supply is a bore-hole, so we get delicious chemical free water, but in a hot summer it is very important to be mindful of  water consumption. We try to avoid the use of nasty chemicals - the houses are steam cleaned and mostly only eco cleaning products such as ‘Ecover’ are used. We provide you with eco washing liquid and dishwasher tablets. We have our own sewage plant which is a ‘clean water’ system – so please don’t put biological/enzyme/caustic products into it!

In the houses the windows are not double glazed, but the curtains are all very thick and interlined to provide insulation at night and we don’t mind that they are a bit faded. Glass, plastic, cardboard, paper and tins are all recycled and there are compost buckets in both houses for vegetable waste. A lot of the furniture is really old and needs to be treated with respect. If things break they are usually patched or mended. Little Barton is a creative place where people come to enjoy themselves and the surroundings.

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